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European Officiating Conference in Georgia

European Officiating Conference in Georgia

The 2024 European Officiating Conference has drawn to a close in Tblisi, where the Georgian Tennis Federation hosted the event for the first time.

The two-day conference brought together 32 delegates from 25 of Tennis Europe’s member nations, including both Grand Slam nations, and Denmark, who attended for the first time.

The conference began on December 2nd with a wine tasting session that highlighted Georgia's cultural traditions. The social programme continued with an official dinner on December 3rd, featuring local food, traditional music, and awards presented by Tennis Europe and GTF Vice President Mr. Metravelli.

Among the speakers were ITF Officiating Regional Officer for Europe, Ivan Martinez Barredo, Gold Badge Referee Eva Asderaki-Moore, Anastasia Petrarca (ITF) and Dima Leifman (Tennis Europe). The International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) was also in attendance to provide an annual update and engage in a Q&A session. Workshops and interactive sessions included exchanges of ideas between large and small states, and ideas to improve the world of officiating.

Many thanks to the ITF Officiating Department for their collaboration, and special thanks to the Georgian Tennis Federation for organizing such a successful event for the European officiating community. Many thanks also to Swissotel for supporting the event and hosting the delegates As always, the conference proved to be an essential gathering for building a stronger officiating community in Europe.

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