Player Welfare & Safeguarding
Every player deserves a safe, positive and respectful tennis experience. If something does not feel right, or you feel unsafe, REPORT to: the local authorities, the tournament organisers, your National Federation and/or Tennis Europe: (
Reports submitted to Tennis Europe go directly to the Tennis Europe Safeguarding Team and are treated with the strictest confidentiality. If you are concerned for your immediate safety or the immediate safety of someone else, dial the emergency number in that country e.g. 999 in UK, 112 in France, and report your concerns to the police. If you have a concern about the safety or welfare of a child or adult at risk of harm you must take action..
Safeguarding and Player Welfare information does not constitute legal, psychiatric or medical advice. In cases of emergency, contact your local authorities, such as the police, emergency services and/or child protection services; your qualified medical practitioner or your National Federation.
What is Player Welfare? Why is it important?
- Player welfare is the protection of the physical, emotional and social health, safety and rights of players.
- Every tennis player deserves to participate in tennis in an environment where they are treated with respect and are safe from non-accidental violence (harassment and abuse) delivered by any method.
- Player Welfare is vital to the health and future of all tennis participants and organisations.
- A positive, ethical tennis environment at every stage of the player journey enhances each player’s participation, development, health, fulfilment and on-court success.
What is Safeguarding?
- Safeguarding is the action taken to promote the welfare of children by people and organisations, working together to prevent and eliminate the risks of injury or harm to their health and development.
- Safeguarding is a process of early intervention and prevention, to stop situations escalating and in some situations when a Child has been harmed or is likely to be harmed, that intervention is paramount to ensure their immediate safety.
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Tennis Europe Player Welfare and Safeguarding Policies
- A Player Welfare Policy within the Tennis Europe Junior Tour Rules and Regulations comprising regulations that govern respectful behaviour of all covered persons on-site at Tennis Europe sanctioned tournaments.
- A Safeguarding Policy including our safeguarding code of conduct and Case Management Procedures.