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Tennis Europe announces departure of CEO Thomas Hammerl

Tennis Europe announces departure of CEO Thomas Hammerl

Tennis Europe is to part ways with Chief Executive Officer Thomas Hammerl, after 7 years in the role.

Tennis Europe President Henrik Thorsøe Pedersen announced the news and paid tribute to Mr. Hammerl’s contribution to the organization, saying, “Thomas has been instrumental in raising the profile of Tennis Europe during his time here and we are extremely grateful for his commitment, passion, and loyalty. We wish him every success in his next position.”

Mr. Hammerl commented: “Having overseen a period which has brought Tennis Europe the highest financial revenue, more sponsors, more - and higher profile - flagship events, like the Junior Masters in Monte-Carlo, and the unique Junior School education program, I am leaving with a sense of pride. My honest appreciation goes to the amazing staff of Tennis Europe whose work ethic and team spirit is incomparable. It was a privilege to lead the office for 7 years, and I leave Tennis Europe on mutual and friendly terms, excited for a new challenge in the tennis business.”

Mr. Hammerl leaves Tennis Europe on 1st September 2024, from which date Chief Operating Officer Magnus Grönvold will serve as Interim CEO. In collaboration with the Regional Association’s experienced staff, the President and the Board of Management will lead the organization through the coming months and a new CEO will be appointed following a transparent pan-European recruitment process.

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